About Monumental

Who We Are

At Monumental, we know that being at the top of the tree, whilst rewarding, can be brutally isolating.

As a result, we have created a thriving community offering a confidential environment that enables business owners the time and space to explore themselves from the inside, out, and experience transformative personal growth.

This deep personal growth not only enriches your life but also elevates your business to new heights, empowering you to lead with greater integrity, purpose and impact.

Monumental Values


Where shared wisdom and experiences foster genuine connections.


Ensuring a safe space. Your privacy is our priority.


Reinforcing the collective pursuit of excellence.


We ensure actions align with words.


Master the art of inspiring and empowering individuals.


The essence of the human experience, a fundamental need for all men.


“I simply didn’t know how much I needed it.”

– Ross

Pete Hunt

Founder of Monumental

Pete worked for Knight Frank, CBRE & Bank of America in a corporate career that saw him execute on over USD500 million of commercial real estate before he was 30 in London and Hong Kong.

Pete then raised over $16 million for private equity projects in Asia before founding Monumental to address the gap he saw in the personal and professional development market for men in their professional prime.

His journey reflects the balance of professional success with personal fulfillment that Monumental aims to provide. Residing in Seaview on the Isle of Wight with his family, Pete embodies the principles of balance, growth, and community that Monumental champions.

Join The Community Waitlist

Begin your journey with The Community and unlock a new chapter of your life marked by profound growth.